[RS-ecology] POSTDOC (2-years): Recreational ecology in the Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) region

Richard Schuster richard.schuster at glel.carleton.ca
Tue Jun 18 19:23:23 CEST 2019



*Summary:* The Yellowstone to Yukon vision is an interconnected system 
of wild lands and waters stretching from the Greater Yellowstone 
Ecosystem to the northern Yukon, harmonizing the needs of people with 
those of nature. As well as providing wildlife habitat and holding 
important ecological values, outdoor spaces are places where people 
recreate. Identifying how and where people and wildlife co-occur in 
landscapes is an important part of “large landscape” conservation. This 
2-year applied research project will focus on identifying and mapping 
where people recreate in the Yellowstone to Yukon region and compiling 
and modeling the ecological impacts of different types and intensities 
of recreational use. The position is ideal for landscape and recreation 
ecologists or conservation scientists with strong geospatial skills and 
the desire to conduct & communicate applied research that informs 

*Project description: *The University of Northern British Columbia (Dr. 
Pamela Wright, UNBC) and the Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation 
Initiative (Dr. Aerin Jacob, Y2Y) seek one postdoctoral fellow to work 
on this two-year funded project. The appointee will lead a team of 
researchers and partners to:

 1. develop a spatially explicit database of motorized/non-motorized
    trails used for nature-based recreation in the Yellowstone to Yukon
    region, acquired via partnerships, remotely sensed data, and
 2. working from primary and grey literature, and potentially with
    subject matter experts, review recreation ecology impacts on
    selected wildlife species and ecosystem components of conservation
    concern; and,
 3. develop functional models of disturbance in the Yellowstone to Yukon
    region, e.g., where structural habitat exists but recreation-related
    disturbance affects specific species or ecosystem components.

This position is ideal for a collaborative self-starter committed to 
applied research and actionable science, and with outstanding 
interpersonal and project management skills. It is anticipated that the 
appointee will work closely with Y2Y and UNBC researchers, staff, and 
partners to learn about transboundary conservation and how research can 
inform conservation and management. Activities may include grant writing 
and reporting, supervising students and/or technicians, and related 
technical and non-technical outreach and professional development.

*Qualifications:* Ph.D. in geography, ecology, or conservation-related 
natural sciences with strong geospatial skills. An interest and 
background in recreation or road ecology is an asset, as are experience 
conducting and communicating landscape-level, collaborative research to 
inform planning.

Essential skills and experience include:
- Proficient in ESRI ArcGIS and R; experience creating and managing 
databases, multivariate and/or spatial statistics; classifying and 
applying ecological risk analysis to large remotely sensed/geospatial 
data sets; LiDAR or satellite imagery, imagery interpretation and 
analysis, automating or scripting solutions (e.g., Python)
- Publication record (e.g., journal articles, book chapters, 
funder/agency reports)
- Collaborative approach (especially non-academic) and project management

Desired skills and experience include:
- Leading large projects to completion, supervising undergraduate 
students or technicians
- Literature reviews and meta-analyses
- Working with government, community, and/or non-profit partners
- Science communication and outreach (including technical and 
non-technical audiences)

We welcome international applications and from people who identify as 
under-represented minorities.

*Salary:* $55,000-60,000 CAD per year for two years commensurate with 
qualifications and experience. Second year of funding contingent upon 
successful progress in year 1.

*Setting:* Based at either Y2Y head office in Canmore, Alberta 
(preferred) or UNBC campus in Prince George, British Columbia.  
Significant time spent at the other location and some travel within the 
Yellowstone to Yukon region.

*Start date: *The appointee will preferably start on or before November 
1, 2019.

*To apply: *Deadline August 23, 2019 with interviews anticipated in 
September 2019.  Applications must include a cover letter (addressing 
your interest and experience in the topic, how you meet both the 
essential and desired qualifications, and relationship to career goals), 
CV, and contact information for three references. Documents/materials 
must be submitted in a single PDF file 
(“Y2YPostdoc-FirstNameLastName.pdf”) with the position title as the 
subject header to pamela.wright <at> unbc.ca <http://unbc.ca>.

*Web posting: 


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