[RS-ecology] Tree Volume Estimation from Lidar Data in R

Matthias Biber matthias.biber at posteo.de
Mon Jul 15 12:40:00 CEST 2019

Dear all,

I am currently working my way around analyzing Lidar data in R and was
wondering if anyone could provide me with some guidelines or even a
workflow for calculating/estimating the volume of individual trees.

I am currently using the lidR package to read in my .las files and then
perform a tree segmentation using the lastrees() function. I know that I
can then calculate certain metrics using the tree_metrics() function,
which I could potentially use to calculate individual tree volume by
providing my own function to tree_metrics().

However, I wonder if there is a better way of doing this or if there is
a function/package out there which does the tree volume calculation? And
if I have to be aware of certain pitfalls when doing this.

I look forward to your suggestions and comments.

Thank you very much,


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