[RS-ecology] ISRSE ecology session

Martin Wegmann martin.wegmann at uni-wuerzburg.de
Fri Nov 18 10:20:24 CET 2016

Dear all,

the International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE)
will take place next year in Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africa 8-12 May
2017 under the overarching theme “Earth Observation for Development and
Adaptation to a Changing World”

We are organizing a special session "Ecology and Conservation" and
please consider submitting an abstract before November 22nd.

Please submit your abstract via this link and choose the respective
special session:

Invited Session Portal

*Session description and goal*

Remote sensing is an important tool for improving our understanding of
ecological condition and trends, along with drivers of biodiversity
change such as human expansions. It is also increasingly a management
tool in conservation. 


The session aims to highlight the potential of remote sensing for
ecological research and conservation applications aimed at improving
linkages between these two communities, and also serving to better
integrate remote sensing science into the full spectrum of ecological
research and conservation applications.


Based on experiences at other scientific conferences (e.g. the last
ISRSE, the International Congress for Conservation Biology, the
Zoological Society of London symposium on conservation remote sensing)
we know that there is strong community interest in these topics. The
session(s) will focus on the use of remote sensing for:

  * characterizing biodiversity patterns
  * examining changes in biodiversity patterns
  * providing links between the processes driving these patterns
  * highlighting areas of land cover change (priority areas for
    conservation action)
  * designing marine and terrestrial protected areas
  * assessing conservation success
  * estimating the potential for the reintroduction of species
  * anticipating human-wildlife conflicts


We envisage that the audience and presentations for this session will be
more applied and focus on practical examples of integrating remote
sensing into daily conservation work by practitioners in the field.

Best regards, and looking forward to seeing you at the ISRSE 37.

Helen de Klerk, Martin Wegmann and Zuzi Jonas.

(Session co-chairs)

Dr. Martin Wegmann

University of Wuerzburg
Institute of Geography
Department of Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Research
Am Hubland
Oswald Kuelpe Weg 86
97074 Wuerzburg, Germany

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD)

Phone:  +49-(0)931-31 83446
Email:  martin.wegmann at uni-wuerzburg.de

url: http://www.geographie.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/fernerkundung_neu/startseite/
url: http://www.dlr.de/caf

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