[RS-ecology] book: Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists - pre-order

Martin Wegmann martin.wegmann at uni-wuerzburg.de
Fri Oct 9 13:22:22 CEST 2015

Dear all,

you can already pre-order the upcoming book "Remote Sensing and GIS for 
Ecologists - Using Open Source software". The expected publication date is end 
of October, beginning of November 2015.

The book offers a great overview of Remote Sensing applications using Open 
Source software, mainly R but also QGIS. This is a book about how ecologists 
can integrate remote sensing and GIS in their daily work. It will allow 
ecologists to get started with the application of remote sensing and to 
understand its potential and limitations. Using practical examples, the book 
covers all necessary steps from planning field campaigns to deriving 
ecologically relevant information through remote sensing and modelling of 
species distributions. 

The publisher is still offering 20% discount on pre-orders – order our book 
right now on www.pelagicpublishing.com using the discount code: RSGE20.

More news at:

and publisher webpage:

best regards, Martin

Dr. Martin Wegmann

Department of Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing and Biodiversity Research
University of Wuerzburg, Germany
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD)

Phone:  +49-(0)931-31-83446

url: http://www.remote-sensing.uni-wuerzburg.de
url: http://www.remote-sensing.eu
url: http://www.dlr.de/eoc
url: http://www.global-change-ecology.org
url: http://www.remote-sensing-biodiversity.org
url: http://www.animove.org
url: http://www.book.ecosens.org


Associate Editor

*Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation*


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